Yogyakarta, 24 January 2025 – The Adiwiyata Team of SMA Negeri 6 Yogyakarta together with the Muda Wijaya Green School Community (MWGSC), supervising teachers and students carried out weekly routine activities namely Environmental Education and Conservation (PRLH).
Friday, January 24 2025, each Adiwiyata division Working Group carried out PRLH activities actively and with guidance. 10 Working Groups in the Adiwiyata team at SMA Negeri 6 Yogyakarta, realizing their respective work programs. The Health Care Working Group prepared hanging pots from used bottles. The Water and Energy Conservation Working Group watched a video simulation of a simple water filter tool, followed by a discussion on the distribution of tasks for carrying the tool, and will carry out experimental practice at the next meeting. Pokja Toga makes drinks made from family medicinal plants.
The Composting Working Group, Waste Bank and Recycling Working Group consistently manage organic and inorganic waste. The Biopori Working Group creates biopore holes as water catchment during the rainy season. The Greenhouse Working Group carries out plant maintenance and regenerates plants ready for harvest. And the Canteen Working Group continues to campaign for a plastic-free canteen movement, students are reminded to bring lunch from home or snacks using their own lunch boxes and tumblers as a zero waste school effort. The regular weekly PRLH program and various efforts to preserve the school environment have made SMA Negeri 6 Yogyakarta a clean, healthy and comfortable school.