Yogyakarta, 31 January 2025 – SMA Negeri 6 Yogyakarta is an Adiwiyata Mandiri school that is consistent in preserving the environment. Teachers and students collaborate with the Adiwiyata Team and the Young Wijaya Green School Community (MWGSC), carrying out sustainable activities as an environmentally friendly school.
This week, each Adiwiyata division Working Group carried out PRLH activities simultaneously according to the working group section. The Toga Working Group grows lemongrass using 3 media: water, potting soil and direct soil. The Recycling Working Group completed the Ecobrick and installed it on the prepared media. The Biopori Working Group creates water catchment. The Composting Working Group processes organic waste from dry leaves into liquid compost. The Greenhouse Working Group weeds the gardens and plants seeds.
The water and energy conservation working group is experimenting with simple dirty water filtration. Various educational and environmentally friendly school preservation activities at SMA Negeri 6 Yogyakarta are supported and implemented by all school residents.